A terrible plague has broken out in the frog pond! Wreaking havoc and causing death within ten seconds unless appropriately treated...

As the only licensed doctor around, you must give pills to your sick froggy friends according to the colours of their skin. Match the colours of each side to cure their amphibian ailments! How many can you cure before they croak?

How to play:

You must move from patient to patient with A/D and place the correctly coloured pills in boxes above randomly coloured frogs with either J/K or the Left/Right mouse buttons for the left/right boxes, respectively. Pills are randomly generated in three boxes on the bottom left of the screen that can be cycled through using either the S key or the Scroll Wheel. The spacebar will clear all currently placed pills and the w key will give you a fresh assortment of pills to work with. And remember, each frog's time is limited, so be quick! The game is made to be challenging, so try your best!

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